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7 ways to be peaceful wherever you are | How to stay peaceful | Christian blogger | Faith based guide to staying peaceful


Having a Peaceful Home is a tremendous blessing, but actually being peaceful is something we should pursue regardless of where we are or who we’re with. Enjoying peace has nothing to do with your physical location, and everything to do with knowing the One who gives us peace. We will find it as we connect to Him.

Here are 7 practical ways to pursue peace in your daily life:

PH be grateful

Choosing to focus on the things in your life that are good can majorly influence how you feel about everything else.


PH go outside

There’s something about fresh air, the sounds of nature, and remembering how vast the world and our God actually is that brings everything into perspective.


PH choose peace

We all know someone who absolutely loves drama and makes a point to create some when there isn’t any. The good news is—you don’t have to participate. You can actively choose peace.

PH encourages

Find someone who makes it their goal to stay positive and peace-centered, and ask them to hold you accountable. When things get a little off kilter, reach out for some encouragement! I call my bestie—Paige Hunter PhD—who also happens to be a stellar business coach. (She’ll encourage you too if you let her! Great Facebook posts and blogs!)


 PH think about someone

‘I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.’ If you focus on someone other than yourself and aim to serve those who are less fortunate, you’ll find that your troubles will all but fade away completely.

 PH meditate on scripture

Ultimately, our worrisome thoughts are taking up brain space because there IS brain space. Fill it with scriptures that really speak to you and give your attention to them instead. Exercise discipline over your thoughts and be transformed by the renewing of your mind.


When we look at the big picture, it makes it much easier to keep our peace. Remember— this is not your home or your forever. Think about God’s Eternal Plan and how the only thing that really matters at the end of the day is your relationship with Him. Not only is it the only thing you’ll take with you when you leave this life, but out of the abundance of God will flow everything else that you need.