I remember sitting in those old pews staring up at massive stained glass windows with reverence and awe. Sundays were a day of music, fellowship, and words I couldn’t understand yet that took root in my spirit anyway. While my faith has become so much more rich and real as a woman, these hymns take me back. They’re more precious now than ever before and I can hardly listen without tears springing into my eyes.
No matter what is going on in your life today, I pray these age old hymns will bring peace to your heart. Make yourself a steaming mug of tea, grab your bible and your favorite throw blanket, and curl up with your favorite hymns on this playlist. I hope they minister to you as much as they do to me.
I’ve arranged this post so you can scroll down and just listen to your favorites, OR you can go down to the very bottom and find a link to the whole playlist.
Shall We Gather at the River?
It is Well with My Soul
Be Thou My Vision
Nearer My God to Thee
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Great is Thy Faithfulness
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
What A Friend We Have in Jesus
Amazing Grace
Ave Maria
Rock of Ages
‘Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus
Just A Closer Walk with Thee
Blessed Assurance
Nothing But the Blood of Jesus
Take My Life
My Ransom – Not a Hymn yet, but you’ll love it
FULL PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9YcRhBFHVFY5lFtyxxPYSghWySte8PmU