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PH 50 shadesFifty shades of…no thank you!

So I will preface this with the statement that I have not read the books or seen the movie and will not in the future.

I don’t get it. I truly don’t understand why this “50 shades” movie and book are so popular and pervasive in our culture today. It was a top selling book, selling over 100 Million books worldwide. And the movie that is out has been out for about 2 weeks and made over $131 Million. Here is a news flash to everyone: this is soft core porn. And if you think it isn’t or it’s no big deal, ask any man and most women what they experienced while reading the book or watching the movie and they may be a little embarrassed to admit it or describe it if they are being truthful. It is meant to create a response within you, and not one of God.

But that is not what I really wanted to write about today. What I wanted to say was that this whole 50 shades thing is not how we should be treating each other and it is not of God. It is said that we, as men, should love our wives as Christ loved the church. Funny, I don’t think Christ would have treated the church the way I hear people talk of the actions in this movie. Men, if you are married, you should cherish your wives, treating them as you believe God would want them treated. They are part of you and you part of them. Don’t fall into the trap of “well, we are consenting adults and it feels good.” That is bunk. Our bodies can endure a lot of pain and suffering. We are not, however, supposed to be inflicting other pains upon ourselves. Sex is supposed to be a positive, loving experience that is enjoyable for both sides. Peace and porn don’t mix. Most men today have struggled with pornography at some point in their lives. I admit I was exposed to pornography when I was very young and it has had horrible effects on me and my relationships throughout my life. Thankfully it does not have influence on me anymore. We all have been exposed to porn. Even our kids have been exposed to it before in some way. Now some of you are saying “no way, not my kids. We don’t have that in our home.” Ever take your kids to the grocery store or let them watch TV? Most grocery store magazine racks and many TV ads today use scantily clad women and men to sell their products or be on their covers. Even some programs geared towards children can be over-sexualized today. It can have the same effect on someone as pornography and shows a total lack of modesty. Now I am not meaning to sound like a prude. I am speaking from the experience of someone who has struggled with lust and pornography. This is not the way to show love to someone. Ask God to show you how to show love. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 13. It’s the love chapter. Be intimate. With God. And with your spouse. True intimacy, true connection with someone that God connected you with will blow your mind. Take a step away from how the world looks at 50 shades and look at how God sees it. He sees infinite shades of color. God created the rainbow to show his covenant with us and it has every color known to man. Not just gray. I challenge you. I dare you to see the color around you. But mostly the color in the Light, away from the way the world portrays “relationships” today. This rainbow of color will lead to peace. Peace in our homes, in our relationships, and within ourselves. Thanks for listening to my rant on this. May the Lord guide you and keep you this day. EP5:25. Chris