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PH 6 words my storyThe 6 Words that Tell My Story


I was recently at a memorial service for a wonderful woman who fought a brave fight and died all too young. We celebrated her courage, her faith, and the comforting truth that she flew straight into her Heavenly Father’s arms at the very moment she breathed her last. I was honored to remember such a life and such a spirit. Much of the service was as you would expect: wonderful memories, talk of the things of God, but there was one part of the pastor’s message that touched me in a way I did not see coming.

The pastor who conducted the memorial service talked about something that was asked of Ernest Hemingway many years ago: write a story with only six words.

Here is what he wrote: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

This got to me thinking about how many words we all use to communicate. We are bombarded with overly wordy stories, books, blogs (this one included) and stories told to us in passing.

So once I left the memorial service, I started to think about my own life and what 6 words I would use to tell my story. Who am I? I have been asking that question of myself for years. The thought of using only 6 words to tell my story seems like an impossible feat. I am sure those who know me well could think of individual words to describe me, some not fit to include in this writing…I know what you were thinking.

So how does someone come up with a memoir with only 6 words? When I began writing this blog, I was still unclear what my 6 words would be. So I started out thinking about how to tell my story, in 6 words, and it make any sense to you. I thought about how I would describe myself:

Tall. Not so tall. Older but not old. Family oriented. Reserved and conservative. Fits of creativity and spontaneity.

Nothing was coming to me. Nothing that seemed perfect.  I hope I am not having some kind of identity crisis here. I mean if I were gone tomorrow, what would people say about me? Then I realized I needed to let the words flow. Here is some of what I came up with:

Started broken. Then He found me.

Has Ego but claims he doesn’t.

Frustrated inventor. Needs to stay focused.

Works too much, rests too little.

I was lost, now I’m found

Made mistakes. Hurt others. Forgiven anyways.

Haven’t fulfilled purpose yet. Keep trying.

Loves to sing. Probably shouldn’t. Tragic.

Laughs alot. When not being stoic.

Is not perfect. Still God’s child.

Loves his wife and daughters. Blessed.

Not a great friend but tries.

What I realized is that I am relatively complicated and yet this was an interesting insight into who I am. I will continue to think about these things and write my perfect 6 word memoir. I promise to get back to you. While I toil over my 6 words, I challenge you to try it too. Post it in the comments section of this blog. Give yourself some insight as to who you are. You might actually figure out something about yourself. I mean, who knew how much I liked to sing but couldn’t shouldn’t? Ok, ok, so you might have known that one.

Here is to insight leading to a slightly more Peaceful Home for you and your family. God Bless.

“I am God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus (Ep2:10).” (Yes, I know, that was 8 words…)

All my best,

PH Chris sig

Afterword: (a week later)

This is what the Lord has shown me WHO I am and WHAT I am in HIS eyes:

