See my recommended resources for faith, family + business

10 FAITH-BASED Books and Resources that STRENGTHENED my Marriage

10 FAITH-BASED Books and Resources that STRENGTHENED my Marriage

Every marriage can use a little help now and again. Mine has been everywhere from a passionate love story to a devastating heartbreak, and everything in between. I’ve learned a lot over the years and carry many battle scars, but I know now– more than ever– that God is here in the midst of my marriage and He will carry us through. Today I’m sharing a list of the top 10 faith based books and resources that have helped to strengthen my marriage (and my walk with God!) over the years. I pray that they will be a blessing upon you and your home, too.

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Soothing Instrumental Hymns Playlist

Soothing Instrumental Hymns Playlist

Here is a list of my favorite instrumental hymns to enjoy during my quiet time. I have them each listed out below so you can create your own playlist, or scroll to the bottom of this page and you’ll find a link to the whole playlist waiting for you.

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Who says you can’t worship and glorify God while you workout? This Christian music playlist is 33 minutes long to give you an average length workout with upbeat tunes. The best part? The lyrics are totally clean and kid-friendly! Get the family moving together!

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150 Activity Ideas for Today’s Family!

150 Activity Ideas for Today’s Family!

I don’t know about you, but these days I can find myself wracking my brain for things to do as a family. So here is a list I compiled with 150 activity ideas for today’s family. This has you covered whether you’re stuck indoors, want to get the family outside, have a hankering to go somewhere, want to teach your kids about responsibility or outreach… and SO MUCH MORE.

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Workout Worship List 1

Workout Worship List 1

Hey friend! If you’re anything like me, you’d always prefer to listen to music that glorifies God– even when you need something up tempo to workout to. I compiled a youtube playlist of praise and worship songs (with a beat!) and thought you might like to have it, too! Here’s where you can find it or see what songs I used and make your own.

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