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Be a good neighbor | Love your neighbor | Build Community | Reconnect with each other | Lonely people | Isolated people | Less texting more conversation

I broke up a street fight at 3:45 AM last night. Not even kidding.

Apparently I am THE Momma Bear of the neighborhood. (Side note— this must be post-pregnancy hormones because in the past I would NOT have done this.)

2013-12-28 13.16.26So all of a sudden I heard screeching tires roar up in front of our house and our “guard dog”—a 6 pound, insolent Malti-Poo in desperate need of a bath and a haircut— started barking like the world was ending. I flew out of bed to silence her before she had a chance to wake the infant that took 90 minutes. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that my floofy dog was actually guarding something. Three teenage boys were in a verbal and physical tousle in the yard across the street, screaming obscenities and throwing punches like they were in fight club.

I kind of surprised myself. I boldly went out the front door, slamming it behind me so the young men would know this momma meant business, and yelled at them to knock it off or I would call the authorities.

Before I continue– allow me to be clear before you wonder what kind of ghetto I live in. I live in yuppy ville, y’all. This kind of thing NEVER happens here.

It got a little more exciting and I did have to involve the police, but more importantly—- the whole thing got me thinking… WHERE IS EVERYBODY? Surely other neighbors hear this. Why am I the only one responding? What if it had been much more serious?

Have we really become so consumed in our own lives and/or fearful that we’re going to hide out when our neighbors need us? Do we even KNOW our neighbors anymore?

Here’s the thing— WE NEED EACH OTHER.

No one else responded to this incident. And a few months prior, I would have been guilty of minding my own business, too. I have to wonder: what could have happened? The news today suggests that it could have gotten a lot worst than a few black eyes and a nosebleed.

I think that fear, political correctness, selfishness, high privacy settings, an online-screen-obsessed culture, and a misapplication of independence has put too much distance between us. Between me and the exhausted single mom raising teens across the street. Between my stepdaughters and their dad. From all the kids and their school buddies who don’t see one another once all summer break, but text with daily.

Between us and the law enforcement professionals today.

Between you and me: women, wives, mothers, friends, sisters, cousins, and neighbors.

We need to look out for each other’s babies and marriages and homes and hearts. We need to reconnect with our delicate humanity.


What ideas do you have to help bring neighbors back together? I can’t wait to read your thoughts!

Precious Blessings,

PH alt sig smiley

Photo Sep 27, 4 51 24 PM