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For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled | Trusting ourselves instead of trusting God | Spiritual Maturity | Walking in humility | When God prunes us

Too big for your britches:

Adjective phrase meaning that your assumed position is slightly larger than the actual position you belong in, hence the idiom referring to the too big for the pair of pants. –URBAN DICTIONARY


ED_DSC02829During the season before my baby was born I reached a new level of patience and peace. For months I walked without ever losing my temper or even becoming frustrated. It was beautiful. My husband and I were in such harmony and unity as my peacefulness influenced our entire household. We both came higher in our own healing and our marriage became more emotionally intimate than ever.

Now that I look back, I think I became a little puffed up in myself. I was feeling like a bit of a spiritual rockstar and thought, “Hey, this is easy! Look at how patient and sweet I’ve been!” <Danger! Danger!> Those who exalt themselves will be humbled.

And that’s exactly what happened. I’ve been humbled. Again. The Lord in His great mercy has ministered correction to my heart. Do you ever have to run Proverbs 12:1 through your head like a broken record? “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge…” I do. 🙂

For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. -Luke 14:11

Following the birth of our baby and the profound strain that all the complications put on both of us, I have absolutely fallen from that place of continuous peace and calm. I can’t really explain it. I don’t mean that there’s just more noise in my house (although that’s true too), I mean that I haven’t maintained peace in my heart. I find myself losing my temper at times, getting frustrated more often, and even snapping at my poor husband for VERY invalid reasons. (And I can’t blame sleep deprivation because let’s face it, I didn’t sleep much 3rd trimester either! :/ )

As a result of my bad behavior I beat myself up a lot. I expect so much more from myself and I wonder why I can’t do better. I wonder why the greatest blessing coming into my life has caused my character to degrade.

So what do I do about it? I apologize… A LOT. As soon as I quiet my selfish thoughts enough to hear the Holy Spirit correct me, I humble myself and immediately ask forgiveness from the Lord, my hubby, my daughter, and my pets. 🙂 And I make a greater effort to find quiet time with God. We can’t expect to be perfect all of the time, but we can make it right when we stumble. And that’s the foundation of what God really asks of us.

I believe this experience is exactly why we must stay humble and understand that we will move from season to season in our lives. The level of our faith and the fruits of the spirit will ebb and flow and must be actively sought after at all times. After all—the truth is that powerful people PURSUE peace.


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